shadcn for Svelte, Algorithmic trading for all & the Angular renaissance
CodeSketched newsletter - Edition #032
Hello there, fellow visual learner 🙌🏾
This is the post for the second week of November. A happy Diwali to all those who celebrate the festival of lights! This week we discover shadcn components for Svelte, learn some algorithmic trading and look at Angular’s attempts to reinvent itself!
Let’s Go 🚀
❶ Shadcn for Svelte is here!
Did you know about the OG component library (that was not a component library) that everyone was going crazy about called shadcn?
Well, there was a public demand for a Svelte version of the library for a long, long time and it is finally here! Check out shadcn-svelte.
Go build amazing UIs with Svelte!
❷ Algorithmic trading for all!
If you were not happy about Algorithmic stock trading being behind a paywall on most training websites, then our beloved FreeCodeCamp is here for us again!
Here’s a complete course on algorithmic trading with ML and Quant strategies. Go binge!
❸ Angular is rebranding!
Here’s some news that I was not expecting in 2023, Angular is re-inventing itself with its v17 release with a whole new documentation site filled with fluid animations.
There are a lot of core improvements but the question still remains, would you use Angular on your new projects? Let me know by replying to this mail.
🎁 Extra:
Want to up your frontend dev game but don’t know what to develop?
Solution 👉🏾 EpicPxls - professional + customizable templates for website, apps & landing pages. Commercial license for all the thousands of designs.
Loving these posts? Shoot a reply and let me know. 🙌🏾
P.S. Here are other places where I exist: 🎥 CodeSketched YouTube channel, website
Cheers! 🙌🏾